Press Room

Media Contacts:
Brandon Litman, +1 212 786 0100





List of


Promo Material

One Day on Earth

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12.12.12 Trailer


11.11.11 Trailer


10.10.10 Release Trailer


10.10.10 Behind the Scenes


10.10.10 Music Video
feat. Cut Chemist



Media Highlights

New York Times: For Earth Day, a Film Created by the Whole World

Los Angeles Times: With Tugg, people can pick movies to show at local theaters

New York Times: Filmmakers’ First Opus Stars Everyone on Earth

National Public Radio: 10/10/10: A Day To Be Remembered (In Video)

Mashable: 'One Day on Earth' The Most International Premiere Ever

Reuters: First Film Ever to Include Footage Filmed in Every Country on Earth -- on the Same Day

Yahoo! News: 'One Day on Earth': Film with footage from every country on earth captured on the same day makes its debut

CNET: One Day on Earth is a stunning global snapshot (Q&A)

The Telegraph (video): One day on Earth captured on film

CBS Morning Show (video): Film Shows Day-in-the-Life of Everyone

CBS New York (video): One Day on Earth

Entertainment Weekly: 'One Day on Earth' documentary: Visit every country in the world this Earth Day

Voice of America: 'One Day on Earth' Delivers Global Message

Christian Science Monitor: 'One Day on Earth' captures the variety of human experience

Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty: Filmmakers Capture 'One Day on Earth'

Ecosalon: Our Shared Humanity: An Interview with the Filmmakers behind 'One Day on Earth'

International Business Times: 'One Day on Earth' Debuts Worldwide, Offers Time Capsule of Our Lives

Stanford Social Innovation Review: A Global, Crowd-sourced Film for Earth Day

The Atlantic: "One Day on Earth": A Video Portrait of Every Country in the World

Mashable: How Thousands of Volunteer Filmmakers Captured “One Day On Earth”

Reuters: Film "One Day on Earth" eyes new "life" in theaters

Kyle Ruddick’s TEDx Talk (video): One Day on Earth







Kyle Ruddick:

Brandon Litman:
Co-Founder/Executive Producer